Among the Betrayed by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Reviewed by Bridget


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Shadow Children Series – Book Three

Ratings Explanation

Sexual Content: Nina and Jason share a kiss. Nina believes their relationship is based on love.

Adult Content:  Lack of food for the population of the country is an underlying theme throughout this series.  The existence of third-born children have been blamed for the people’s hunger.  Nina, an illegal third child,  is turned in to the Population Police by Jason, her boyfriend, and undercover Population Police Informer.  Nina grapples with Jason’s betrayal.  While in prison, she is given the choice to either save herself by betraying her cellmates or face death.  She ultimately trusts her cellmates and they escape prison together.   However, while in prison, the children face starvation, includes a detailed description of hunger and filthy prison cell.


Nina Idi is a shadow child, the illegal third born in her family.  She lives in a society where families are only allowed two children.  Nina has been betrayed by the boy she loved.   She is falsely accused, arrested and thrown into prison by the Population Police.  Nina knows she is innocent of the charges.  She is enraged and confused.

Nina is now faced with a most difficult decision.  She will have to coerce three of her fellow prisoners into admitting they are third children, and she will save herself; or be killed.  Ultimately, what choice will Nina make?  Who should Nina friendship, trust and love?

Nina has been betrayed and is trying to heal her wounds.  Nina has to learn to trust herself before she can again trust another.  A thoroughly enjoyable read as Haddix accurately describes the emotions of love and betrayal.

©2009 The Literate Mother