Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Reviewed by Bridget


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Title: Catching Fire

Author: Suzanne Collins

The Second Book of The Hunger Games

Ratings Explanation

Violence:  Katniss witnesses an older man from District 11 forced to his knees in front of the crowd, and a bullet put through his head.  Katniss reflects on killing Clove.  Gale is publicly whipped for hunting.  Gale’s back is a “raw, bloody slab of meat”.  Darius, District 12’s Head Peacekeeper is turned into an avox (similar to a eunuch).  Katniss is plagued with terrible nightmares.  Katniss displays her knot making skills to the Gamemakers by hanging a dummy symbolizing Seneca Crane.  Cinna creates a costume symbolizing rebellion.  He is knocked to his knees and hit with metal-studded gloves, opening gashes on his face and body.  The Peacekeepers drag Cinna’s limp body from the room and smears of blood are left on the floor.  Opponents in the Quell Games are slaughtered. Katniss tastes the blood of an opponent while swimming in the water.

Sexual Content:  Gale kisses Katniss.  Peeta and Katniss feign borderline delirious love for each other.  They kiss, dance, and try to sneak away to be alone.  Each night Peeta climbs into Katniss’ bed to hold her until she falls asleep.  Peeta does this to ward off Katniss’ nightmares associated with killing her opponents.  Katniss ponders marrying Peeta.  Cray, the Head Peacekeeper for District 12 has a habit of luring starving young women into his bed for money, which make him an object of loathing in the district.  The hungriest would gather at his door at nightfall, vying for the chance to earn a few coins to feed their families by selling their bodies.  “Finnick is one of the most stunning, sensuous people on the planet.  He’s draped in a golden net that’s strategically knotted at his groin so that he can’t technically be called naked.”  Chaff throws his arms around Katniss and gives her a big kiss right on the mouth.  Johanna Mason, from District 7 unzips her costume and steps into the elevator naked.  The light from Peeta’s costume reflects off Johanna’s bare breasts.

Adult Content:  Districts grieve for their children as they are murdered.


At the conclusion of The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark miraculously survive The Games.  They pretend to be star-crossed lovers in order to win the populous’s adoration, and both leave the arena alive.  They succeed.  However, in their quest for survival they sow the seeds of rebellion by snubbing the president and the Capitol.  Katniss is relieved to be alive, however, her life is now lonelier than ever.  President Snow makes a personal visit to Katniss and threatens her loved ones if she does not diffuse the civil unrest.  Her closest friend, Gale, keeps her at a distance.  As victors, Katniss and Peeta’s families move to the wealthy, yet empty part of town.

Katniss and Peeta announce their engagement.  Katniss is repulsed by the Capitol’s forced “Victory Tour”.  Katniss and Peeta, the victors, must visit the eleven other districts whose tributes were killed, before the next set of Games begin.  Unknowingly, Katniss and Peeta have inspired rebellion throughout the nation.  The districts they visit are full of unrest.  When, Katniss and Peeta arrive in the Capitol, the Quarter Quell is announced and Katniss and Peeta are forced to enter into the arena again.  The populous is devastated that the young lovers will now face death.  Haymitch orchestrates arena alliances for Peeta and Katniss, but does not apprise Katniss of the situation. Katniss is the symbol of rebellion.  The ending is a cliff-hanger….

I abhor cliff-hanger endings!  The sequel was not as consuming as The Hunger Games, nor was the violence as graphic.  That said, I am disturbed by the amount of violence contained in this series.  The intense violence desensitizes.  While reading this series, I am a “Deer in Headlights”.  I continue to read, because I can’t fathom that each child is really going to be killed by another child –and they are.

©2009 The Literate Mother