Discovering Isaac: The Beloved Potter of Niederbipp by Ben Behunin

Reviewed by Bridget


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





426 Pages

Ratings Explanation

Language: Jackass.

Sexual Content: Jake and Amy share more kisses as their relationship progresses.

Adult Themes:  Amy’s father, Doug Eckstein, berates Jake, his future son-in-law, at a restaurant.  He is then berated by many citizens of Neiderbipp.


This is the story of a simple potter’s life, Isaac .  Isaac’s life was shaped by much loss and love.  Jake Kimball and Amy Eckstein’s relationship progresses to more than friends, as they realize they don’t want to live without one another.

This series simply makes me want to be a better person.   I love the quotes Behunin includes throughout his work.  However, for me, Book 2 was a bit heavy on the preaching.  Book 2 helps to build a  foundation for Book 3.  I look forward to reading the final installment.

©2010 The Literate Mother