Dracula and Other Vampire Stories

Reviewed by Bridget


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System

Language: 0

Violence: 3

Sexuality: 0

Adult Themes: 1 

Title:  Dracula and Other Vampire Stories

Author:  Eric Kudalis

Ratings Explanation

Violence:  Dracula and other vampires attack people to drink their blood.  The following history is reported in a matter-of-fact manner.  The Real Dracula, known by historians as “Vlad the Impaler” was a cruel leader who impaled his victims on a long, sharp pole.  He also burned people alive, pounded nails through their heads and chopped them to pieces.  Countess Bathory’s gruesome history is also recounted.  She lured young girls to her castle.  She then sliced them open and bathed and drank their blood in her perverse obsession to achieve youth and beauty.

Adult Themes:  Vampires attack and kill humans and various gruesome ways to die are recounted.


This book has a synopsis of Bram Stoker’s tale, “Dracula”.  A biography of the author, Bram Stoker, is included, as well as a chapter about the supersitions of vampires and the undead.  There is also an informative chapter on vampires in film and the final chapter is a history of  bats, “vampire bats“. 

The historical approach to Dracula and the history and superstitions that surround him provide an interesting read and would be great to use as a reference for a research paper on Vlad the Impaler.

©2009 The Literate Mother

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Genre: Adventure, Fiction, Grades 4-5 |
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