General Winston’s Daughter by Sharon Shinn

Reviewed by Aimee


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Title:  General Winston’s Daughter

Author:  Sharon Shinn

Ratings Explanation

Language:  There are a couple exclamations of deity.

Violence:  There is an explosion in the marketplace.  A man standing near Averie has his head blown off.  People are hurt.  It is war time and there is talk of rebel attacks and fighting.  Averie discusses with several different people the idea of countries taking over other countries, forcing themselves in.  Fire is set upon the city and the water is cut off.  Armies are ambushed and killed.  Many people are injured, burned and killed.  People must flee the city.

Sexual Content:  Young girls wear white until their “first bleeding”.  There is a discussion about having sex before marriage or waiting until after marriage.  A marriage custom is explained to Averie.  All the family and friends of the couple being married come and sit on the stones.  The couple “step under the faucets and bathe while everyone watches.”  There is a dance where the man holds the woman by the wrists above her head and they dance in a sexual rhythm.

Adult Themes:  Different cultures have different customs and ideas.  Different ideas about social classes are discussed.  Averie is betrayed by one she thought her friend.  War is a prominent part of the storyline.


Seventeen year old Averie Winston is the daughter and heiress of General Winston of the Aeberelle army.  She embarks on a journey to the far off, exotic land of Chiarrin to join her fiancé and her father who are currently involved in a campaign to take over the country.  Averie finds herself completely taken in by the culture and customs of Chiarrin, eagerly embracing them.  Although the country of Chiarrin appears to have accepted the presence of the Aeberelle army, rebels have begun to launch small attacks that are increasing in intensity.  Averie finds much of what she believes to be changing; ideas about war and people, relationships and freedom.  The handsome Ket Du’Kai, escort and protector, also makes an impression on Averie and she finds herself falling in love.

This book got off to a slow start for me but I have to say that somewhere along the line I became invested in it.   This story was rich and thick, slowly woven but not in a boring or overdone way.  I’ll admit that I wished the ending was a bit fluffier, like dessert, you know?  But honestly it fit well with the characters.  (I just like fluffy desserts at the end of a good meal.)  I felt like I knew the characters.  I could see the places described.  It was a great story.  I really liked the author’s use of colors and smells to help create a picture and sense of being there.  I felt a real appreciation for the Chiarizzi people who were willing to sacrifice whatever they needed to regain the freedoms that had been taken from them.  How can that not hit home?  This was the first book by Sharon Shinn that I have read.  I have another sitting in my pile and I’m looking forward to reading it.  Young Adult