Hereafter by Tara Hudson

Reviewed by Aimee


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Ratings Explanation

Language:  There are frequent exclamations involving Deity, as well as common swearing (hell, damn, ass) in various forms.  There are also some instances of suck, screw and piss.  Amelia says, “An expletive, one I didn’t even know I knew, flew out of my mouth.”

Violence:  Amelia relives her death by drowning over and over again in nightmares.  Amelia sees a boy drowning and tries to save him.  He has driven his car off a bridge.  Amelia remembers wanting to jump off the bridge, but being pushed instead.  Joshua’s grandmother is a seer and can cause Amelia pain in her head.  Eli grabs Amelia and tries to force her to come with him.  Amelia lights up and causes things to happen when she experiences extreme emotions.  She breaks a bridge.  A girl is pushed off a bridge into the river below and almost dies but is rescued.  Amelia fights against the evil minions and Eli.

Sexual Content:  There are several kisses.  Amelia and Joshua stay in a bed together at night but nothing happens except sleep.

Adult Themes:  Joshua has beer in his car, on his way to a party when he crashes into the river.  Eli tells of his former life which involved drinking and “a few more chemicals.”   Amelia remembers her party where people are getting drunk.  There are seers and they perform exorcisms to try to get rid of the spirits in the area.  There is chanting and rituals.  People at the party are drinking alcohol and become possessed (controlled by dark spirits) and do crazy things like push people off the bridge to their death.  There is some question as to whether or not suicide was involved in some of the deaths at the bridge.  Amelia discovers her father has died but she doesn’t know where his spirit is.


Amelia has been drifting in a world that fluctuates between nightmares and nothingness until she sees a boy in the river, drowning.  Suddenly, all she wants is to save him.  Her attempts prove fruitless because she is dead herself.  But then, in a sudden moment, she connects and the boy is saved.  Amelia and Joshua have an unusual bond between them.  Joshua can see and talk to Amelia.  Their bond grows as they try to solve the mysteries surrounding Amelia’s death while keeping their relationship a secret from the world that would view Joshua as crazy and his grandmother who is an exorcist.  But an evil spirit, Eli, is determined to make Amelia his own and take her to his ghost world forever.

I really enjoyed this ghost-ish, paranormal young adult book.  Amelia’s journey of awareness and self discovery was intriguing.  I was in it right with her with my curiosity level high.  The end of the book still left me with many questions but hopefully there will be a sequel!