Miracles on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorensen

Reviewed by Keri


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Newbery Award Winner

Ratings Explanation

Violence: Hunting for food.  A nest full of baby mice is thrown into the fire during the clean up of the cabin.

Adult Themes:  Although not described in detail, the family’s father suffers from post traumatic stress syndrome after returning from the war.  The mood of the family is not the same.  A neighbor suffers a heart attack and is hospitalized.


After Marley’s dad returns home from the war, things are hard.  He isn’t the same as he used to be.  The family decides to move to the country, where her mom grew up, to help him recover.   On Maple Hill they are greeted by the Chrises, kind neighbors who help them fix up the run down house they are staying in. The Chrises also show them how to make syrup from the hundreds of maple trees in the surrounding woods.  The clean air and hard work seem to be helping and Marley’s father begins to show interest in life again. A year later,  the miracles that seem to be happening on Mapel Hil come to an end when Mr. Chris suffers from a heart attack in the middle of the sugar harvest.    Although Marley is young, she is determined to help her new friend and bring about another miracle on Maple Hill.

A Newbery Award Winner in 1957, this book brings out the challenges and charms of its era.  Told through the view point of a young girl, this is a tale of the healing power of love and friendship even after the evils of war.   I recommend it to anyone needing a feel good story.