My Unfair Godmother by Janette Rallison

Reviewed by Aimee


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Language:  There are several references to cursing or swearing but no actual words.  For example, “texting four letter words”, “coming up with a really colorful curse for fairies”.

Violence:  Teenagers spray paint graffiti on a city building.  They throw rocks to break windows.  Bo hits a school locker right by Tansy’s head.  There are some bandits who hold up some convenience stores by sword point.  There is some fighting, but nobody dies.  Tansy is held hostage and chained up.

Sexual Content:  There a few kisses.

Adult Themes:  Hudson’s mother is hit by a drunk driver.  He carries the guilt over that because he was at a party and then had a fight with his mother over it.  Divorce and repercussions from that are mentioned.


Tansy Miller has just learned that she is 78 percent pathetic from a fairy godmother she had no idea she even had.  Evidently she earned this particularly pathetic ranking for her choice in boyfriends which led to a doomed date of vandalism on a city building where said boyfriend ditches her and she is arrested by police.  Tansy believes that her luck is about to change when her fairy godmother grants her 3 wishes.  Anything she wants.  But either Tansy isn’t very good at making wishes or her fairy godmother isn’t very good at getting them right.  Either way, Tansy finds herself is one mess after another until she is sitting in a barn in the Middle Ages, chained to the wall, expected to turn straw into gold and guarded by her brother’s handsome friend.

Tansy is a girl who has been hurt by the divorce of her parents.  She’s a good girl making some bad decisions; struggling with how to handle the hurt she feels with the acceptance she needs.  I think every teenager will be able to relate to Tansy on some level or another.

Janette Rallison has created yet another story with wit and fun dripping from each page.  I was entertained and amused the whole way through.  This light read will recreate the fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskin in a way you never dreamed of and leave you smiling in the end.  This book is labeled YA (15+) but the younger set of 12+ would probably enjoy this read as well.