The Great Brain by John D. Fitzgerald

Reviewed by Karen


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Ratings Explanation

Violence: The boys in town pick on other boys (especially a new immigrant boy) and prove who is the toughest amongst them through fist fights that result in black eyes and bloody noses. Very typical of the time period, however.

Adult Themes: Tom has quite the ability to swindle other kids, especially his younger brother John, and be able to talk his way out of any guilt. There is one chapter in which a friend who has lost his leg talks about and attempts to commit suicide, (quite comically, however) because he feels “plumb useless” at his inability to do any chores. Tom saves the boy’s self esteem by helping him cope and succeed with his new disability.

Take a step back to a simpler time–where dirt roads run through town, when boys played in vacant lots, carried marbles and slingshots in their pockets, and schools were the one-room variety. This is Adenville, Utah, circa 1896. The Great Brain is a comical book told through the eyes of eight-year-old John (the author) who is the youngest of three boys. His ten-year-old brother, Tom, is the Great Brain. Tom uses his great brain to earn money, usually through swindling. He charges the neighborhood boys a penny apiece to watch the first “water closet” in town flush. Tom also comes up with a scheme to get the new school teacher fired when Tom feels unduly punished. But, Tom is also the town hero when it is his plan that saves two boys who are lost in a cave. There is never a dull moment around Adenville with Tom Fitzgerald on the loose!

If you liked the antics of Tom Fitzgerald in The Great Brain, then you’ll be excited to read more!  It is the first book in a seven book series.

I loved this book as a child and have loved sharing with my children. It was a great read-aloud during a car trip. All ages can enjoy the mischievous antics of The Great Brain.