The Great Unexpected by Sharon Creech

Reviewed by Jennifer


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System






Ratings Explanation

Adult Themes: Lizzie is an orphan and the couple with whom she has been living for several years does not want to adopt her. Lizzie is devastated. Someone close to Naomi dies.


Blackbird Tree is a town where unexpected things don’t happen much. But when Lizzie and Naomi begin to unravel a mystery that starts with a boy named Finn falling out of a tree, unexpected things begin popping up all over the place. Besides the strange Finn boy, there are three mysterious trunks to explore, a couple of rooks to wonder about, and some “unfortunate souls” in Blackbird Tree who seem to know more than they are willing to divulge. As events transpire, the two orphan girls embark on an adventure that will eventually change everything about their lives. And they will discover that unexpected things are sometimes the most pleasant of all.

I really enjoy Sharon Creech and while this is not my favorite of her books, it was a fun read aloud and my family loved it. She creates characters that are so enjoyable that we can’t wait to see what they will do next. Lizzie is hilarious! She repeats everything to Naomi as if Naomi can’t hear. Of course this is terribly irritating to Naomi, but so funny to read aloud. Besides being entertaining, it points out to children that even though friends may annoy, we can still be patient and appreciate each others’ differences. The story also illustrates that there is, without a doubt, a thread that connects us all. The themes of holding grudges, forgiveness, and family are also important topics to discuss with children after reading this book. Recommended for grades 4-7 (but my 10th grader enjoyed it as much as the younger ones).