The Titan’s Curse (Percy Jackson & The Olympians, Book 3) by Rick Riordan

Reviewed by Jennifer


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Ratings Explanation

Language: Referring to the Olympian gods, “Oh my gods” and “thank the gods” used as exclamations. Percy and his friends visit Hoover dam, in jest they refer to the “dam bathroom, dam french fries, dam snack bar” and laugh about it.

Violence: A monster masquerading as a professor changes back into his true form and shoots poison darts at Percy, then Annabeth stabs the monster with a sword.  There is a fair amount of sword fighting in the book. A vicious, armed game of capture the flag. Thalia blasts Percy with electricity. Skeletons, under the direction of “The General”, attack Percy and his friends. They try to destroy the skeletons but they are able to reform. They are also attacked by a lion and they kill it with arrows. The skeletons shoot at them and hit Percy but he is wearing a bulletproof fur coat so he is not harmed. They stab the skeletons and they explode in flames. A giant pig destroys the skeletons, smashing them to pieces. A giant metal statue attacks them and a character dies trying to save her friends. A battle with Atlas using arrows, spears, javelins and swords. A character falls 50 feet off a cliff and his broken body lies on the rocks below. A biplane shoots machine guns at the monster army. A character dies from a dragon bite.

Adult Themes: Good vs. evil. One character is disowned by her family and her father is the cause of her death.


In the third installment of the Percy Jackson series, Percy and 4 others are off on a quest to rescue Annabeth and Artemis and thwart the dark plan of the rising Kronos. Traveling cross country from Washington DC to San Francisco, they again encounter several mythical monsters bent on stopping their progress. According to the oracle’s prophecy, this quest will only succeed with the ultimate sacrifice of one of their own.

I enjoy this series. Percy is a very likable hero, humble and flawed, but strong and brave too. All my reading-age children have read this series and loved it.

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