Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George

Reviewed by Aimee


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Ratings Explanation

Violence:  A guard returns to the castle hurt and bloody with news of the king and queen’s deaths.  The king and queen were presumably killed during an attack.  There is talk of an assassination on Rolf.  People chase Celie and try to capture her.  Celie is treated roughly and knocked against a wall.  Celie jabs someone’s hand with the pointy end of a mirror.  There is another chase.  Celie is stabbed in the arm with a knife.

Adult Themes:  When the King and Queen are presumably killed, the children are left in charge of running the castle.  Celie misses her parents and feels lonely.  There is conspiracy against the throne and treason.


Tuesdays at the castle are Princess Celie’s favorite days.  That’s because Castle Glower is enchanted and on Tuesdays it always has something new in store.  Sometimes it’s a new room and sometimes it’s an entire wing.  Princess Celie loves the castle and it would seem the castle loves her too.  She keeps maps and charts of exactly what the castle is up to and nobody knows the castle like she does.  When the king and queen go missing it’s up to Celie to use her knowledge of the castle to protect her family.

How could you not love a book about a magical castle with a mind of it’s own?  I loved this book.  Even though this book is written with younger readers in mind (8 and up), I fully enjoyed reading it as an adult.  Celie is a perfectly spunky little princess with a love for her castle and her family.  I love her connection to the castle.  She can sense it’s moods and feelings and vice versa.  This book has the intrigue and anticipation that keeps you reading, but in a clean and fun loving way.  This would be a fun book to read with your children.