Becoming Isaac: The Next Potter of Niederbipp by Ben Behunin

Reviewed by Bridget


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Book 3

439 Pages

Ratings Explanation

Violence:  Sam Gottlieb, the baker, hits his son, Matthew, and breaks his nose.  Sam and Charlie accidentally burn down the Yoder’s workshop.

Sexual Content: Jake and Amy share more kisses as their relationship progresses.  Brief reference to Jake and Amy discussing things of a more intimate nature, as their wedding day approaches.

Adult Themes:  Marital discord between Amy’s parents and Tom and Emma.  Tom has an emotional affair with his secretary, and Isaac helps Tom and his wife, Emma, to rediscover and build something new with their marriage.  Charlie relates the story of his blue-blooded absentee father.  Charlie’s father “…was a gentleman in the beginning, but one night he took her to a party where the alcohol ran rich and his chivalry wore thin.  When she found out she was pregnant, he tried to talk her into having an abortion, but when she refused, he stopped talking to her.”  Jerry relates a story from his marriage regarding the “girly” magazines at his barber shop.  His wife, Bev, was so distraught with their presence, she pasted her head on the top of some of the model’s photos, which quickly put an end to Jerry’s magazine subscription.  Jake searches for his father on the internet and finds that his father died in an alcohol related car accident many years prior.


Jake Kimball and Amy Eckstein spend their engagement navigating relationships; their own relationship, as well as relationships with the many loved ones that surround them.  They learn to discern what is of real value in life, and what they should discard, as they begin to build a life together.

This is the final installment in the Neiderbipp series.  This series simply makes we want to be a better person.  (I just have to learn to enjoy and love the quirky folks in my own Neiderbipp. ) I love the quotes Behunin includes throughout his work. I also thoroughly enjoy Behunin’s pottery.   www.

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