Pride and Popularity by Jenni James

Reviewed by Cindy


Content Ratings based on a 0-5 scale where
0 = no objectionable content and
5 = an excessive or disturbing level of content

Guide to Rating System





Ratings Explanation

Language:  The language is not offensive, but it is mentioned that the word “chicken butt” is used in place of the “A” word.

Sexual Content:  There are a few kisses included in the story.

Adult Themes:  A boy’s mother died from breast cancer. A character in the story struggled with drugs, drinking, stealing, and taking advantage of a teenage girl; although no details of this behavior were described.


High School student Chloe Hart has no interest in the popular crowd, especially one boy by the name of Taylor Anderson! He is the guy every girl dreams of dating. Even though he pays attention to Chloe and seems to enjoy teasing her, she refuses to fall for him, no matter how charming and attractive he may be. For some reason at the beginning of senior year he decides to be everywhere she is…how annoying! Chloe is determined to avoid him at all costs, but it just might be too late to resist him any longer…

Author Jenni James has created a modern version of the timeless classic Pride and Prejudice and has placed it in a high school setting in Farmington, New Mexico. This story was funny and endearing as well as clean! In fact, Chloe hosts a Halloween party and informs Taylor that there will be no drinking. I loved the way names from the original novel were woven into the story. Chloe’s middle name is Elizabeth and Taylor’s middle name is Darcy. The story also deals with the subject of being careful whom we date. One of the characters preys on teenage girls with the intention of taking advantage of them. This would be a very good discussion to have with your daughter on personal safety! The story is part of a series entitled, The Jane Austen Diaries with Pride & Popularity being the first in the series. The rest will include modern day versions of five additional Jane Austen novels. I would recommend this book for ages twelve and up.